Saturday 11 May 2013

slovakia part ii

part i / part ii / part iii

on april 27, i went on my first aeroplane rides alone.
my best friend in the world is spending 2013/14 in vinosady, slovakia as an exchange student. i missed her so bad and made my rash, summer-hazed promise "i'll come visit you" come to life.

we spend our fourth day in bratislava with suse, once again, but naturally, i lost my spare memory card with photos from that day.


day 5 had a sense of departure from the start. it was the last day we got to spend together: on the next day, she had to be back in school and i had a bus ticket to the airport in vienna. 

we (i) had plans to go hiking in the mountains but instead, we opted for watching supernatural in the morning, making pizza, lying around in the their back yard, steeped in sunlight and warmth. and in the evening, johanna's host-dad took us to trnava where he played tennis and we walked around, seeing one church and four different cafés and restaurants, looking for the slovak traditional dish i still hadn't had the chance to try. i didn't like it too much but i did love vinea, which i drank abundantly. (it's a soft drink they make in czech and slovakia, similarly to kofola, but i liked it a lot more than kofola.) 

driving back to vinosady, we stopped by modra and bought ice cream, all three of us.


we said our quick goodbyes with johanna and i thanked her not short of amazing host family for their generosity and off i went, almost missing the bratislava to vienna bus as i spent my last cash on a bottle of red vinea and had no clue i had to pay 1 euro for baggage. i got it sorted, though, getting mean looks from the bus driver for paying in a handful of coins.

the way back took a lot more time and was harder - when coming, everything had gone so very smoothly but now i waited in wrong lines, unknowingly spent 6 euros on a small bottle of water and felt sick. i didn't want to leave. i frantically texted johanna and all i wanted was to go back to her.

when landing in tallinn, i felt as sick as ever and i knew this trip had changed me. i feel restless and all my dreams include travelling now. home is where the heart is; and my heart is scattered over the world.

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