Sunday 4 August 2013

ultra magnetic

one day tija sent me a text she'd done it. dyed her long hair pink.
i was very-very excited. now was my perfect chance. i sent out a plea to lend a 50mm lens... and, to my absolute surprise, a girl from my class -- eva -- said her sister has one and that i can have it.

jumping up and down and other expressions of excitement ensued.
i even got getter to meet us. she helped us with the make-up and styling, filmed, provided awesome company and ideas. she even made us a prop!

it was absolutely awesome. i fell in love with the 50mm and i will definitely start saving up money for the 50mm f1.4 -- though the temptation to simply get the four times cheaper 1.8 (which i also shot with)  is enormous. but i know i will want to upgrade anyway and having both would be a waste. to dreams!

(getting a dlsr was a dream at first, too.)

i also finally figured out how to add the followers widget -- feel free to become one. i'd love you forever. (i'll love you for reading this anyway, so it's maybe not that good of a deal. huh.)

finally, i'm (kinda) sorry there were so many pictures (even if it's a fraction of the 400 i had initially) -- for some, i simply loved the mood too much to leave the picture out, even if it didn't have that good of a focus. sorry. it was my first real shoot and i'm freaking proud anyway.

 thanks for being here, looking/reading!


  1. asdfghjkl tahaks ka olla nii julge ja v2rvida juuksed mingit hullu v2rvi. Ilusad fotod juu, ei ole neid nii palju. Edu :)

    1. ahh, aitäh! mulle nii väga meeldivad hulludes värvides juuksed :D ja edu vaja!!


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