Saturday 15 June 2013

slovakia part iii

part i / part ii / part iii

on april 27, i went on my first aeroplane rides alone.
my best friend in the world is spending 2013/14 in vinosady, slovakia as an exchange student. i missed her so bad and made my rash, summer-hazed promise "i'll come visit you" come to life.

a few days ago, i emptied my wallet and a tiny black memory card fell out.
the lost one with pictures from slovakia. hence the third part.

i'd insisted on going to the cinema during my time there as soon as we found out i'm going there. i'm a film and tv nerd to the full and most of my money is spent on cinema tickets. i honestly don't know what i was expecting but "slovak cinema" sounded intriguing. we got huge box of candy and a 1L coke in an adorable cup (can you say cup?)

the film was nevedomi (oblivion) which i'd seen and loved. i wanted to see iron man three but apparently, they're behind at films in slovakia.

i spent 17 euros on sushi there. the highlight of the brunch was vinea, naturally.

also there was something weird and yellow in my makis and when we asked the chef he didn't know it in english and went over to other customers and asked to translate. apparently it was yellow raddish. if i remember correctly. oh, and i ate johanna's ginger too. i don't get how people don't like it.

later we met suse at a park and played with a flying disc we borrowed from a man who was there playing with his daughter. they were adorable. the rest of the time we spent avoiding mosquitoes. 

i also remember sitting in a café that day, where i found out i'd spent twice as much money as i'd planned on spending. i panicked a bit and looked at my oreo shake with shame.

we wandered around bratislava, walking over the bridge, talking and eating ice cream, hanging out in a playground and looking for gifts for me to bring back home.

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